Domain TLD WHOIS Database

Containing WHOIS records of all domain names sorted by the domain extension.

BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of active domain names (over 265 Million), that are currently registered. While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history (over 1.65 Billion records) of every domain name (over 561 Million) that were ever registered on the Internet. Historical database contains WHOIS of current as well as expired and deleted domain names.

Detailed statistics (Updated: 27 July 2024) of all our Domain TLD WHOIS Database are listed below.

Domain TLD WHOIS Database Domain Names WHOIS Records Cost Price Purchase
1 .COM Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: com) 161,443,769 161,443,769 $2500


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2 .COM Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: com) 331,975,900 1,085,886,794 $7500


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3 .NET Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: net) 13,194,962 13,194,962 $1000


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4 .NET Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: net) 31,580,505 92,475,406 $1750


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5 .ORG Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: org) 11,218,030 11,218,030 $1000


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6 .ORG Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: org) 20,735,487 58,317,829 $1500


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7 .INFO Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: info) 3,758,640 3,758,640 $750


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8 .INFO Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: info) 14,577,495 37,870,800 $1250


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9 .XYZ Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: xyz) 4,119,435 4,119,435 $750


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10 .XYZ Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: xyz) 17,977,734 43,037,271 $1250


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11 .CO.UK Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 6,549,463 6,549,463 $750


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12 .CO.UK Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 13,442,041 24,648,312 $1000


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13 .ONLINE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: online) 3,600,276 3,600,276 $750


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14 .ONLINE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: online) 7,897,193 21,652,075 $1000


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15 .NL Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: nl) 2,265,198 2,265,198 $750


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16 .NL Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: nl) 2,348,981 3,756,584 $750


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17 .TOP Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: top) 2,800,780 2,800,780 $750


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18 .TOP Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: top) 7,212,950 13,794,097 $1000


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19 .SITE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: site) 1,899,619 1,899,619 $750


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20 .SITE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: site) 5,794,528 14,236,669 $1000


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21 .IT Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: it) 1,611,455 1,611,455 $750


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22 .IT Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: it) 1,906,752 6,534,069 $750


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23 .STORE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: store) 1,714,523 1,714,523 $750


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24 .STORE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: store) 3,266,486 9,615,392 $750


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25 .BIZ Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: biz) 1,261,376 1,261,376 $750


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26 .BIZ Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: biz) 5,077,445 14,643,183 $1000


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27 .PL Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: pl) 1,051,202 1,051,202 $750


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28 .PL Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: pl) 1,237,022 3,126,432 $750


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29 .CN Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cn) 1,365,909 1,365,909 $750


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30 .CN Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cn) 1,708,225 4,310,947 $750


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31 .UK Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: uk) 1,068,447 1,068,447 $750


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32 .UK Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: uk) 1,901,469 3,682,318 $750


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33 .CA Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: ca) 906,340 906,340 $500


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34 .CA Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: ca) 1,178,734 3,299,666 $750


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35 .COM.BR Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 1,085,297 1,085,297 $750


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36 .COM.BR Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 1,264,306 3,574,273 $750


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37 .LIVE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: live) 601,135 601,135 $500


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38 .LIVE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: live) 1,199,595 3,468,066 $750


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39 .APP Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: app) 756,249 756,249 $500


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40 .APP Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: app) 981,577 3,597,116 $750


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41 .CFD Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cfd) 1,013,263 1,013,263 $750


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42 .CFD Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cfd) 1,382,433 4,647,885 $750


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43 .CLICK Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: click) 564,278 564,278 $500


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44 .CLICK Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: click) 1,291,788 3,372,982 $750


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45 .VIP Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: vip) 1,049,544 1,049,544 $750


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46 .VIP Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: vip) 1,629,725 4,387,730 $750


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47 .JP Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: jp) 591,268 591,268 $500


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48 .JP Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: jp) 670,097 1,525,635 $750


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49 .IN Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: in) 620,821 620,821 $500


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50 .IN Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: in) 889,682 2,547,391 $750


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51 .LOAN Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: loan) 8,148 8,148 $100


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52 .LOAN Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: loan) 4,507,109 6,567,820 $750


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53 .CLUB Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: club) 652,876 652,876 $500


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54 .CLUB Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: club) 3,958,364 7,540,744 $750


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55 .US Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: us) 459,075 459,075 $500


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56 .US Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: us) 2,279,899 4,772,349 $750


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57 .ICU Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: icu) 509,698 509,698 $500


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58 .ICU Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: icu) 3,060,894 4,909,842 $750


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59 .WIN Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: win) 98,185 98,185 $250


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60 .WIN Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: win) 1,994,522 3,615,419 $750


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61 .DE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: de) 3,390,469 3,390,469 $750


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62 .DE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: de) 5,030,491 6,479,085 $750


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63 .TECH Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: tech) 504,431 504,431 $500


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64 .TECH Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: tech) 1,353,272 3,971,529 $750


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65 .MOBI Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: mobi) 250,790 250,790 $500


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66 .MOBI Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: mobi) 1,014,965 2,719,899 $750


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67 .SPACE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: space) 406,635 406,635 $500


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68 .SPACE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: space) 1,342,426 3,395,151 $750


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69 .PRO Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: pro) 673,159 673,159 $500


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70 .PRO Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: pro) 1,145,629 3,331,979 $750


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71 .RU Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: ru) 5,191,237 5,191,237 $750


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72 .RU Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: ru) 5,399,048 6,634,584 $750


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73 .SHOP Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: shop) 1,616,922 1,616,922 $750


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74 .SHOP Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: shop) 1,907,527 3,153,698 $750


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75 .COM.AU Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 949,628 949,628 $500


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76 .COM.AU Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: 992,176 2,408,459 $750


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77 .SBS Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: sbs) 803,854 803,854 $500


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78 .SBS Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: sbs) 950,305 2,539,311 $750


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79 .FR Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: fr) 773,527 773,527 $500


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80 .FR Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: fr) 1,336,837 2,141,989 $750


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81 .SE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: se) 686,302 686,302 $500


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82 .SE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: se) 707,582 866,722 $500


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83 .BE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: be) 601,320 601,320 $500


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84 .BE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: be) 773,248 992,425 $500


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85 .BOND Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: bond) 636,064 636,064 $500


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86 .BOND Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: bond) 1,359,960 2,618,197 $750


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87 .CO Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: co) 512,562 512,562 $500


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88 .CO Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: co) 909,771 2,976,131 $750


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89 .FUN Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: fun) 481,612 481,612 $500


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90 .FUN Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: fun) 802,545 2,368,736 $750


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91 .LOL Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: lol) 616,451 616,451 $500


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92 .LOL Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: lol) 785,409 1,922,268 $750


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93 .LIFE Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: life) 454,057 454,057 $500


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94 .LIFE Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: life) 1,064,404 2,702,087 $750


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95 .EU Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: eu) 491,474 491,474 $500


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96 .EU Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: eu) 727,357 812,382 $500


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97 .DEV Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: dev) 433,928 433,928 $500


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98 .DEV Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: dev) 550,722 1,654,304 $750


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99 .CLOUD Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cloud) 397,162 397,162 $500


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100 .CLOUD Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cloud) 829,210 2,619,154 $750


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101 .ASIA Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: asia) 391,010 391,010 $500


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102 .ASIA Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: asia) 680,285 2,030,461 $750


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103 .CC Current WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cc) 342,046 342,046 $500


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104 .CC Historical WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: cc) 535,289 1,973,135 $750


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Payment Options

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For orders worth $1000 and higher, you can also pay through Bank Wire Transfer (ACH, Fedwire and SWIFT).
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Reverse WHOIS Lookup

You may test our powerful Reverse WHOIS API using the below form.