.FR Historical WHOIS Database
WHOIS database all .FR domain names that were ever registered on the Internet for just $750.
Detailed statistics (Updated: 7 February 2025) of our .FR Historical WHOIS Database is listed below.
.FR Historical WHOIS Database | Total | Purchase |
Total Unique Domain Names in .FR Historical WHOIS Database | 1,491,381 |
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Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database | 3,123,594 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact | 2,739,289 | |
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) | 1,770,047 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) | 1,769,478 |
Top 93 Countries in .FR Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as France (Country Code: FR) | 1,481,011 |
2 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Netherlands (Country Code: NL) | 91,237 |
3 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Germany (Country Code: DE) | 46,185 |
4 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Switzerland (Country Code: CH) | 19,656 |
5 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as United Kingdom (Country Code: GB) | 13,678 |
6 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Belgium (Country Code: BE) | 12,688 |
7 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Luxembourg (Country Code: LU) | 8,009 |
8 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Spain (Country Code: ES) | 6,561 |
9 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Italy (Country Code: IT) | 5,057 |
10 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Ireland (Country Code: IE) | 3,672 |
11 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Poland (Country Code: PL) | 3,560 |
12 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Sweden (Country Code: SE) | 3,240 |
13 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Czech Republic (Country Code: CZ) | 2,574 |
14 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Austria (Country Code: AT) | 2,116 |
15 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Denmark (Country Code: DK) | 2,023 |
16 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Estonia (Country Code: EE) | 1,877 |
17 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Cyprus (Country Code: CY) | 1,691 |
18 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Bulgaria (Country Code: BG) | 1,189 |
19 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Norway (Country Code: NO) | 1,101 |
20 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as United States (Country Code: US) | 1,044 |
21 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Portugal (Country Code: PT) | 935 |
22 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Romania (Country Code: RO) | 896 |
23 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Malta (Country Code: MT) | 601 |
24 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Finland (Country Code: FI) | 465 |
25 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Lithuania (Country Code: LT) | 339 |
26 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Hungary (Country Code: HU) | 299 |
27 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Slovakia (Country Code: SK) | 277 |
28 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Latvia (Country Code: LV) | 250 |
29 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Greece (Country Code: GR) | 213 |
30 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Mayotte (Country Code: YT) | 152 |
31 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Slovenia (Country Code: SI) | 142 |
32 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as French Polynesia (Country Code: PF) | 96 |
33 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Australia (Country Code: AU) | 89 |
34 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Gibraltar (Country Code: GI) | 86 |
35 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Liechtenstein (Country Code: LI) | 75 |
36 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Monaco (Country Code: MC) | 63 |
37 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Iceland (Country Code: IS) | 61 |
38 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as New Caledonia (Country Code: NC) | 61 |
39 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as China (Country Code: CN) | 53 |
40 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Canada (Country Code: CA) | 41 |
41 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Hong Kong (Country Code: HK) | 37 |
42 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Croatia (Country Code: HR) | 34 |
43 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Bermuda (Country Code: BM) | 24 |
44 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Japan (Country Code: JP) | 21 |
45 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Country Code: PM) | 17 |
46 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Russian Federation (Country Code: RU) | 15 |
47 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Israel (Country Code: IL) | 14 |
48 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as India (Country Code: IN) | 12 |
49 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Morocco (Country Code: MA) | 10 |
50 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Saint Martin (Country Code: MF) | 10 |
51 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as British Virgin Islands (Country Code: VG) | 9 |
52 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Tunisia (Country Code: TN) | 8 |
53 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Andorra (Country Code: AD) | 7 |
54 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as United Arab Emirates (Country Code: AE) | 7 |
55 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Armenia (Country Code: AM) | 7 |
56 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Afghanistan (Country Code: AF) | 6 |
57 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Algeria (Country Code: DZ) | 6 |
58 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Mauritius (Country Code: MU) | 6 |
59 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Ukraine (Country Code: UA) | 6 |
60 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Brazil (Country Code: BR) | 5 |
61 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Cote D Ivoire (Country Code: CI) | 5 |
62 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Mongolia (Country Code: MN) | 5 |
63 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Netherlands Antilles (Country Code: AN) | 4 |
64 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Chile (Country Code: CL) | 3 |
65 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Cameroon (Country Code: CM) | 3 |
66 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Guyana (Country Code: GY) | 3 |
67 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Korea (Country Code: KR) | 3 |
68 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Madagascar (Country Code: MG) | 3 |
69 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Mexico (Country Code: MX) | 3 |
70 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Oman (Country Code: OM) | 3 |
71 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Saudi Arabia (Country Code: SA) | 3 |
72 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Singapore (Country Code: SG) | 3 |
73 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as San Marino (Country Code: SM) | 3 |
74 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Thailand (Country Code: TH) | 3 |
75 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Turkey (Country Code: TR) | 3 |
76 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Antigua and Barbuda (Country Code: AG) | 2 |
77 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Benin (Country Code: BJ) | 2 |
78 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Saint Barthelemy (Country Code: BL) | 2 |
79 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Belize (Country Code: BZ) | 2 |
80 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Georgia (Country Code: GE) | 2 |
81 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Ghana (Country Code: GH) | 2 |
82 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Indonesia (Country Code: ID) | 2 |
83 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Saint Kitts and Nevis (Country Code: KN) | 2 |
84 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as New Zealand (Country Code: NZ) | 2 |
85 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Qatar (Country Code: QA) | 2 |
86 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Suriname (Country Code: SR) | 2 |
87 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Taiwan (Country Code: TW) | 2 |
88 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Vietnam (Country Code: VN) | 2 |
89 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Wallis and Futuna (Country Code: WF) | 2 |
90 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Albania (Country Code: AL) | 1 |
91 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Bahamas (Country Code: BS) | 1 |
92 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Belarus (Country Code: BY) | 1 |
93 | Total records in .FR Historical Database having registrant country as Congo (Country Code: CG) | 1 |
Top 98 Domain Registrars in .FR Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as OVH sas (Registrar ID: 433) | 11,382 |
2 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Gandi SAS (Registrar ID: 81) | 5,144 |
3 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as IONOS SE (Registrar ID: 83) | 2,252 |
4 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as ORANGE (Registrar ID: 14) | 1,274 |
5 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio technologies, Inc. USA (Registrar ID: 106) | 1,093 |
6 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Scaleway SAS (Registrar ID: 74) | 908 |
7 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Get Real Names, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1141) | 840 |
8 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. (Registrar ID: 299) | 700 |
9 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Namebay SAM (Registrar ID: 88) | 588 |
10 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NordNet SA (Registrar ID: 68) | 513 |
11 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Key-Systems GmbH (Registrar ID: 269) | 507 |
12 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as American Domain Name Registry (Registrar ID: 274) | 474 |
13 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Nameshield SAS (Registrar ID: 1251) | 466 |
14 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as EuroDNS S.A. (Registrar ID: 1052) | 388 |
15 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as SafeBrands SAS (Registrar ID: 1290) | 382 |
16 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as MarkMonitor Inc. (Registrar ID: 292) | 274 |
17 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Ligne Web Services SARL dba LWS (Registrar ID: 1630) | 231 |
18 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as EPAG Domainservices GmbH (Registrar ID: 85) | 230 |
19 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Internet.bs Corp. (Registrar ID: 814) | 230 |
20 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as united-domains GmbH (Registrar ID: 1408) | 202 |
21 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Planet Online Corp. (Registrar ID: 815) | 168 |
22 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as SQUIDSAILERDOMAINS.COM, LLC (Registrar ID: 1751) | 159 |
23 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Instra Corporation Pty Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1376) | 150 |
24 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Commerce Island, LLC (Registrar ID: 935) | 127 |
25 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as 1API GmbH (Registrar ID: 1387) | 126 |
26 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as SARL VIADUC (Registrar ID: 1482) | 121 |
27 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Infocom Network Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1484) | 113 |
28 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Domain Pro, LLC (Registrar ID: 413) | 106 |
29 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as PSINet Inc. (Registrar ID: 436) | 103 |
30 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as PrimeDomain.ca Inc. (Registrar ID: 688) | 99 |
31 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Tecnocrática Centro de Datos, S.L. (Registrar ID: 1600) | 95 |
32 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Hosting.com, Inc. (Registrar ID: 61) | 82 |
33 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NETIM SAS (Registrar ID: 1519) | 81 |
34 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Cronon GmbH (Registrar ID: 141) | 78 |
35 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as AB RIKTAD (Registrar ID: 1435) | 77 |
36 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as SALENAMES LTD (Registrar ID: 1752) | 74 |
37 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NGI SpA (Registrar ID: 1320) | 73 |
38 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Hosteur SARL (Registrar ID: 1378) | 73 |
39 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Arab Internet Names, LLC (Registrar ID: 902) | 69 |
40 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as CASDNS Inc. (Registrar ID: 67) | 67 |
41 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as OpenTLD B.V. (Registrar ID: 1666) | 66 |
42 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as One.com A/S (Registrar ID: 1462) | 64 |
43 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NETPLEX LLC (Registrar ID: 132) | 61 |
44 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as DOMAINOO SAS (Registrar ID: 1701) | 60 |
45 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Compana LLC (Registrar ID: 679) | 58 |
46 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Marcaria International LLC (Registrar ID: 1086) | 58 |
47 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as IP Twins SAS (Registrar ID: 1728) | 58 |
48 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Namehouse, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1258) | 52 |
49 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Verio, Inc. (Registrar ID: 51) | 50 |
50 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as British Telecommunications (BT plc) (Registrar ID: 295) | 50 |
51 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Register.ca Inc. (Registrar ID: 1375) | 48 |
52 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as SafeNames Ltd. (Registrar ID: 447) | 47 |
53 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Cool Ocean, LLC (Registrar ID: 1093) | 47 |
54 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Promo People, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1591) | 47 |
55 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as IBI.Net, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1361) | 46 |
56 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as INWX GmbH (Registrar ID: 1420) | 45 |
57 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Digitrad France SAS (Registrar ID: 1433) | 45 |
58 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as BDL Systemes SAS dba SYSTONIC (Registrar ID: 1673) | 44 |
59 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as RegistryGate GmbH (Registrar ID: 1328) | 42 |
60 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Soluciones Corporativas IP, SL (Registrar ID: 1383) | 42 |
61 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Verelink, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1409) | 40 |
62 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Curious Net, LLC (Registrar ID: 1083) | 38 |
63 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as AT&T Corporation (Registrar ID: 10) | 36 |
64 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Europe Domains LLC (Registrar ID: 995) | 36 |
65 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Active Registrar, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1090) | 35 |
66 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NEUDOMAIN LLC (Registrar ID: 1254) | 35 |
67 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Ignitela, LLC (Registrar ID: 1242) | 31 |
68 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as PacNames Ltd (Registrar ID: 103) | 30 |
69 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as iCrossing, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1236) | 29 |
70 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Hostpoint AG (Registrar ID: 1696) | 29 |
71 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Interlink Co., Ltd. (Registrar ID: 277) | 28 |
72 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Ledl.net GmbH (Registrar ID: 809) | 28 |
73 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Unified Servers, LLC (Registrar ID: 1106) | 28 |
74 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Asadal, Inc. (Registrar ID: 632) | 27 |
75 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Blueweb, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1413) | 27 |
76 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Network Solutions, LLC (Registrar ID: 2) | 25 |
77 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Ingenit GmbH & Co. KG (Registrar ID: 1700) | 24 |
78 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as 101domain GRS Limited (Registrar ID: 1011) | 23 |
79 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as WorthyDomains LLC (Registrar ID: 1571) | 22 |
80 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as I.D.R Internet Domain Registry LTD. (Registrar ID: 127) | 21 |
81 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as 4Domains, Inc. (Registrar ID: 278) | 21 |
82 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Web Site Source, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1404) | 21 |
83 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Alisoft (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1410) | 21 |
84 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Secure Registrar, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1084) | 20 |
85 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as ProNamed LLC (Registrar ID: 1579) | 19 |
86 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as DomainLadder LLC (Registrar ID: 1683) | 18 |
87 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as PlanetHoster Inc. (Registrar ID: 2476) | 18 |
88 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NameWeb BVBA (Registrar ID: 1464) | 17 |
89 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as InfoNetworks, Inc. (Registrar ID: 421) | 16 |
90 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Realtime Register B.V. (Registrar ID: 839) | 16 |
91 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as TLD Registrar Solutions Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1564) | 16 |
92 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as LCN.COM Ltd. (Registrar ID: 602) | 15 |
93 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Incuborn Solutions Inc. (Registrar ID: 843) | 15 |
94 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Hostnet bv (Registrar ID: 1732) | 15 |
95 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as NUXIT (Registrar ID: 1911) | 15 |
96 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Central Registrar, Inc. DBA Domainmonger.com (Registrar ID: 282) | 14 |
97 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as 1800-website, LLC (Registrar ID: 845) | 14 |
98 | Total records in .FR Historical Database with domain registrar as Internet Viennaweb Service GmbH (Registrar ID: 1370) | 14 |
Query Year | WHOIS Records |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2012 | 12,410 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2014 | 2 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2015 | 24,558 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2016 | 389,977 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2017 | 205,002 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2018 | 96,377 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2019 | 42,774 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2020 | 44,992 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2021 | 86,789 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2022 | 227,677 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2024 | 1,782,989 |
Total WHOIS records in .FR Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2025 | 210,047 |
Payment Options
We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay.
Popular payment wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay & Cash App Pay are accepted.
You can also pay in installments through Buy Now, Pay Later (Affirm, Afterpay, Clearpay, Klarna) services.
For orders worth $1000 and higher, you can also pay through Bank Wire Transfer (ACH, Fedwire and SWIFT).
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