.CN Current WHOIS Database

Download the WHOIS database of active .CN domain names that are currently registered for just $750.

BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of active domain names (over 267 Million), that are currently registered. While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history (over 1.83 Billion records) of every domain name (over 577 Million) that were ever registered on the Internet. Historical database contains WHOIS of current as well as expired and deleted domain names.

Detailed statistics (Updated: 7 November 2024) of our .CN Current WHOIS Database is listed below.

.CN Current WHOIS Database Total Purchase
Total Unique Domain Names in .CN Current WHOIS Database 1,537,006


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Total WHOIS records in .CN Current WHOIS Database 1,537,006
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact 1,537,006
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) 1,536,146
Registration Year Domain Names
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200019
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20017
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200211
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200311,704
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20046,660
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200512,670
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200613,675
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200712,846
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200810,057
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 200910,820
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 20109,058
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201112,150
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201217,801
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201319,338
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201423,109
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201527,584
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201626,506
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201733,290
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201839,552
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 201945,856
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 202057,236
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 202156,890
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2022101,698
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2023475,699
Total domain names in .CN Current WHOIS Database that were registered in the year 2024512,770

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For orders worth $1000 and higher, you can also pay through Bank Wire Transfer (ACH, Fedwire and SWIFT).
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Reverse WHOIS Lookup

You may test our powerful Reverse WHOIS API using the below form.