Registrar WHOIS Database

Containing WHOIS records of all domain names sorted by the domain registrar.

BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of active domain names (over 265 Million), that are currently registered. While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history (over 1.65 Billion records) of every domain name (over 561 Million) that were ever registered on the Internet. Historical database contains WHOIS of current as well as expired and deleted domain names.

Detailed statistics (Updated: 27 July 2024) of all our Registrar WHOIS Database are listed below.

Registrar WHOIS Database Domain Names WHOIS Records Cost Price Purchase
1 GoDaddy Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 146) 66,208,165 66,208,165 $1500


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2 GoDaddy Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 146) 153,578,325 404,445,645 $5000


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3 Tucows Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 69) 9,946,328 9,946,328 $750


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4 Tucows Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 69) 30,274,172 81,166,569 $1750


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5 NameCheap Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1068) 17,472,550 17,472,550 $1000


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6 NameCheap Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1068) 40,563,684 99,776,092 $1750


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7 Google Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 895) 8,191,880 8,191,880 $750


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8 Google Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 895) 17,258,727 45,500,953 $1250


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9 Onamae Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 49) 5,565,451 5,565,451 $750


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10 Onamae Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 49) 18,359,503 40,106,819 $1250


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11 NameSilo Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1479) 4,490,140 4,490,140 $750


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12 NameSilo Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1479) 12,515,165 36,187,310 $1250


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13 PublicDomainRegistry Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 303) 4,194,037 4,194,037 $750


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14 PublicDomainRegistry WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 303) 19,157,012 40,308,412 $1250


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15 Gname Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1923) 5,014,025 5,014,025 $750


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16 Gname Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1923) 6,856,330 15,799,803 $1000


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17 Dynadot Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 472) 4,369,687 4,369,687 $750


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18 Dynadot Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 472) 10,247,572 23,821,735 $1000


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19 Wix Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 3817) 2,973,916 2,973,916 $750


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20 Wix Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 3817) 4,609,078 14,423,434 $1000


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21 HiChina Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1599) 3,526,108 3,526,108 $750


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22 HiChina Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1599) 12,263,085 25,579,768 $1250


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23 IONOS Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 83) 4,860,148 4,860,148 $750


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24 IONOS Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 83) 12,016,445 27,477,722 $1250


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25 Network Solutions Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 2) 5,161,520 5,161,520 $750


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26 Network Solutions Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 2) 13,667,756 32,259,658 $1250


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27 Key-Systems Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 269) 2,017,015 2,017,015 $750


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28 Key-Systems Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 269) 5,325,894 14,480,598 $1000


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29 eNom Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 48) 3,680,668 3,680,668 $750


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30 eNom Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 48) 19,854,093 46,893,150 $1250


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31 Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 625) 2,223,070 2,223,070 $750


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32 Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 625) 6,871,309 16,324,911 $1000


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33 Hostinger Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1636) 3,102,659 3,102,659 $750


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34 Hostinger Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1636) 5,394,270 13,491,034 $1000


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35 Wild West Domains Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 440) 2,398,886 2,398,886 $750


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36 Wild West Domains Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 440) 7,129,833 16,359,483 $1000


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37 NameBright Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1441) 4,570,575 4,570,575 $750


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38 NameBright Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1441) 5,493,990 8,241,019 $750


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39 OVH Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 433) 2,284,102 2,284,102 $750


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40 OVH Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 433) 5,057,152 11,574,989 $1000


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41 FastDomain Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1154) 1,922,479 1,922,479 $750


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42 FastDomain Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1154) 6,079,978 15,223,242 $1000


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43 Porkbun Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1861) 1,854,463 1,854,463 $750


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44 Porkbun Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1861) 3,271,450 7,934,141 $750


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45 XinNet Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 120) 1,133,107 1,133,107 $750


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46 XinNet Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 120) 6,712,229 14,865,740 $1000


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47 Sav Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 609) 1,022,650 1,022,650 $750


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48 Sav Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 609) 2,860,087 8,816,852 $750


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49 Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 886) 1,840,025 1,840,025 $750


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50 Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 886) 5,474,675 14,962,083 $1000


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51 Alibaba Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 420) 2,300,146 2,300,146 $750


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52 Alibaba Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 420) 15,808,654 28,180,496 $1250


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53 Chengdu West Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1556) 1,353,085 1,353,085 $750


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54 Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1556) 11,270,214 18,416,653 $1000


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55 eName Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1331) 351,375 351,375 $500


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56 eName Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1331) 6,319,426 9,365,098 $750


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57 Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 9) 1,503,894 1,503,894 $750


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58 Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 9) 4,735,736 10,606,941 $1000


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59 West263 Current WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1915) 442,917 442,917 $500


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60 West263 Historical WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1915) 4,803,418 7,539,332 $750


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Payment Options

We accept Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Diners Club, JCB and China UnionPay.
Popular payment wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, Alipay, WeChat Pay & Cash App Pay are accepted.
You can also pay in installments through Buy Now, Pay Later (Affirm, Afterpay, Clearpay, Klarna) services.
For orders worth $1000 and higher, you can also pay through Bank Wire Transfer (ACH, Fedwire and SWIFT).
We also accept crypto payments through Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tether, Binance, Ripple and 100+ Cryptocurrencies.

Reverse WHOIS Lookup

You may test our powerful Reverse WHOIS API using the below form.