Get the most recent WHOIS record of any domain name.
Get the most recent WHOIS record of a domain name through the following API:
Replace the key "XXXXX" with your own API key, generated through the Members Area.
Cost for Single Query = (1 API Credit per Domain Name)
"success": true,
"query": {
"current_whois": ""
"count": {
"total": 1,
"relation": "eq",
"current": 1
"results": [
"domain_name": "",
"domain_keyword": "google",
"domain_tld": "com",
"query_time": "2023-07-21 11:20:49",
"create_date": "1997-09-15",
"update_date": "2019-09-09",
"expiry_date": "2028-09-13",
"registrar_iana": 292,
"registrar_name": "MarkMonitor, Inc.",
"registrar_website": "",
"registrant_company": "Google LLC",
"registrant_state": "CA",
"registrant_country": "US",
"registrant_email": "select request email form at",
"name_servers": [
"domain_status": [
"dns_sec": [
"stats": {
"total_time": 0.029,
"api_credits_used": 1,
"cost_calculation": "current_whois [1 domain]"
XML Format
By default, all results are sent in JSON format. To get results in XML format, simply add "&format=xml" to your query.
Cost for Single Query = (Same as with JSON Format)