.STORE Historical WHOIS Database
WHOIS database all .STORE domain names that were ever registered on the Internet for just $1000.
Detailed statistics (Updated: 7 February 2025) of our .STORE Historical WHOIS Database is listed below.
.STORE Historical WHOIS Database | Total | Purchase |
Total Unique Domain Names in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database | 3,971,534 |
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Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database | 13,278,320 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact | 13,278,312 | |
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) | 11,857,436 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) | 357,264 |
Top 99 Countries in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as United States (Country Code: US) | 5,100,796 |
2 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Iceland (Country Code: IS) | 2,088,948 |
3 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Canada (Country Code: CA) | 1,480,513 |
4 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as China (Country Code: CN) | 1,026,973 |
5 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Brazil (Country Code: BR) | 434,056 |
6 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Australia (Country Code: AU) | 362,093 |
7 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Netherlands (Country Code: NL) | 277,171 |
8 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Germany (Country Code: DE) | 264,483 |
9 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Russian Federation (Country Code: RU) | 247,472 |
10 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Argentina (Country Code: AR) | 236,509 |
11 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Korea (Country Code: KR) | 164,232 |
12 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as France (Country Code: FR) | 123,058 |
13 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Ukraine (Country Code: UA) | 121,636 |
14 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as United Kingdom (Country Code: GB) | 118,142 |
15 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Vietnam (Country Code: VN) | 100,265 |
16 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Italy (Country Code: IT) | 95,160 |
17 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Indonesia (Country Code: ID) | 94,979 |
18 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Cyprus (Country Code: CY) | 92,531 |
19 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as India (Country Code: IN) | 81,573 |
20 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Panama (Country Code: PA) | 81,090 |
21 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Spain (Country Code: ES) | 52,696 |
22 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Belgium (Country Code: BE) | 38,226 |
23 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Czech Republic (Country Code: CZ) | 36,353 |
24 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Morocco (Country Code: MA) | 34,093 |
25 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Switzerland (Country Code: CH) | 32,290 |
26 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Turkey (Country Code: TR) | 28,575 |
27 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as New Zealand (Country Code: NZ) | 27,179 |
28 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Poland (Country Code: PL) | 27,097 |
29 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Sweden (Country Code: SE) | 27,066 |
30 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Greece (Country Code: GR) | 25,439 |
31 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Mexico (Country Code: MX) | 21,883 |
32 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Portugal (Country Code: PT) | 17,380 |
33 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Hong Kong (Country Code: HK) | 16,190 |
34 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Hungary (Country Code: HU) | 15,192 |
35 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as South Africa (Country Code: ZA) | 14,522 |
36 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as United Arab Emirates (Country Code: AE) | 14,411 |
37 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Austria (Country Code: AT) | 11,662 |
38 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Colombia (Country Code: CO) | 11,305 |
39 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Japan (Country Code: JP) | 10,958 |
40 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Slovakia (Country Code: SK) | 10,538 |
41 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Denmark (Country Code: DK) | 9,749 |
42 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Norway (Country Code: NO) | 8,942 |
43 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Pakistan (Country Code: PK) | 8,776 |
44 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Malaysia (Country Code: MY) | 7,486 |
45 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Philippines (Country Code: PH) | 7,405 |
46 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Egypt (Country Code: EG) | 6,988 |
47 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Singapore (Country Code: SG) | 6,259 |
48 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Afghanistan (Country Code: AF) | 6,141 |
49 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Belarus (Country Code: BY) | 6,026 |
50 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Saudi Arabia (Country Code: SA) | 5,533 |
51 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Cayman Islands (Country Code: KY) | 5,459 |
52 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Bahamas (Country Code: BS) | 5,379 |
53 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Algeria (Country Code: DZ) | 5,303 |
54 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Bulgaria (Country Code: BG) | 5,065 |
55 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Lithuania (Country Code: LT) | 4,821 |
56 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Israel (Country Code: IL) | 4,548 |
57 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Chile (Country Code: CL) | 4,420 |
58 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Finland (Country Code: FI) | 4,321 |
59 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Thailand (Country Code: TH) | 4,078 |
60 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Nigeria (Country Code: NG) | 3,867 |
61 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Peru (Country Code: PE) | 3,490 |
62 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Kenya (Country Code: KE) | 3,367 |
63 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Romania (Country Code: RO) | 3,202 |
64 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Tunisia (Country Code: TN) | 3,068 |
65 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Cote D Ivoire (Country Code: CI) | 2,840 |
66 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Kazakstan (Country Code: KZ) | 2,765 |
67 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Taiwan (Country Code: TW) | 2,709 |
68 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Luxembourg (Country Code: LU) | 2,507 |
69 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Bangladesh (Country Code: BD) | 2,494 |
70 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Armenia (Country Code: AM) | 2,417 |
71 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Ireland (Country Code: IE) | 2,302 |
72 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Ecuador (Country Code: EC) | 2,105 |
73 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Benin (Country Code: BJ) | 2,028 |
74 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Moldova, Republic Of (Country Code: MD) | 1,963 |
75 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Cambodia (Country Code: KH) | 1,922 |
76 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Cameroon (Country Code: CM) | 1,900 |
77 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Georgia (Country Code: GE) | 1,760 |
78 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Estonia (Country Code: EE) | 1,648 |
79 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Senegal (Country Code: SN) | 1,625 |
80 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Serbia (Country Code: RS) | 1,502 |
81 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Venezuela (Country Code: VE) | 1,354 |
82 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Latvia (Country Code: LV) | 1,346 |
83 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Sri Lanka (Country Code: LK) | 1,150 |
84 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Jordan (Country Code: JO) | 1,130 |
85 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Kuwait (Country Code: KW) | 1,076 |
86 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Dominican Republic (Country Code: DO) | 1,068 |
87 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Costa Rica (Country Code: CR) | 1,035 |
88 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Ghana (Country Code: GH) | 1,035 |
89 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Bolivia (Country Code: BO) | 1,013 |
90 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Albania (Country Code: AL) | 1,002 |
91 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Congo, Democratic Republic (Country Code: CD) | 961 |
92 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Azerbaijan (Country Code: AZ) | 939 |
93 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Uruguay (Country Code: UY) | 874 |
94 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Uzbekistan (Country Code: UZ) | 844 |
95 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Iraq (Country Code: IQ) | 839 |
96 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Croatia (Country Code: HR) | 768 |
97 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Bahrain (Country Code: BH) | 745 |
98 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Guatemala (Country Code: GT) | 712 |
99 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database having registrant country as Oman (Country Code: OM) | 669 |
Top 100 Domain Registrars in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as GoDaddy.com, LLC (Registrar ID: 146) | 2,673,943 |
2 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as NameCheap, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1068) | 2,269,602 |
3 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Tucows Domains Inc. (Registrar ID: 69) | 1,526,626 |
4 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Beget LLC (Registrar ID: 3806) | 860,597 |
5 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as HOSTINGER operations, UAB (Registrar ID: 1636) | 639,792 |
6 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Alibaba Cloud Computing Ltd. d/b/a HiChina (www.net.cn) (Registrar ID: 1599) | 622,419 |
7 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as PDR Ltd. d/b/a PublicDomainRegistry.com (Registrar ID: 303) | 558,765 |
8 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Dreamscape Networks International Pte Ltd (Registrar ID: 1291) | 293,877 |
9 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as eNom, LLC (Registrar ID: 48) | 272,065 |
10 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as DOTSERVE INC. (Registrar ID: 1913) | 243,949 |
11 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Dattatec Corp (Registrar ID: 1388) | 231,329 |
12 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Chengdu West Dimension Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1556) | 222,423 |
13 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Registrar of Domain Names REG.RU LLC (Registrar ID: 1606) | 185,608 |
14 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as IONOS SE (Registrar ID: 83) | 164,828 |
15 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Gabia, Inc. (Registrar ID: 244) | 158,960 |
16 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Key-Systems, LLC (Registrar ID: 1345) | 132,009 |
17 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Network Solutions, LLC (Registrar ID: 2) | 113,759 |
18 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Dynadot Inc (Registrar ID: 472) | 107,990 |
19 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Domain.com, LLC (Registrar ID: 886) | 101,706 |
20 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as OVH sas (Registrar ID: 433) | 94,598 |
21 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as united-domains GmbH (Registrar ID: 1408) | 89,990 |
22 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as CommuniGal Communication Ltd. (Registrar ID: 418) | 89,378 |
23 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Synergy Wholesale Accreditations Pty Ltd (Registrar ID: 1609) | 88,385 |
24 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Hosting Ukraine LLC (Registrar ID: 2374) | 87,271 |
25 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Squarespace Domains II LLC (Registrar ID: 895) | 71,792 |
26 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as DNSPod, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1697) | 67,925 |
27 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Realtime Register B.V. (Registrar ID: 839) | 67,852 |
28 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as CV. Rumahweb Indonesia (Registrar ID: 1675) | 64,344 |
29 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Metaregistrar BV (Registrar ID: 2288) | 59,940 |
30 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Name.com, Inc. (Registrar ID: 625) | 57,798 |
31 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Cronon GmbH (Registrar ID: 141) | 55,945 |
32 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Ascio Technologies, Inc. Danmark - Filial af Ascio technologies, Inc. USA (Registrar ID: 106) | 53,830 |
33 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Sav.com, LLC (Registrar ID: 609) | 52,351 |
34 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Regional Network Information Center, JSC dba RU-CENTER (Registrar ID: 463) | 44,542 |
35 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as NameSilo, LLC (Registrar ID: 1479) | 44,000 |
36 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Automattic Inc. (Registrar ID: 1531) | 42,515 |
37 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Hosting Concepts B.V. d/b/a Registrar.eu (Registrar ID: 1647) | 41,743 |
38 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Mesh Digital Limited (Registrar ID: 1390) | 38,687 |
39 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as iNET SOFTWARE COMPANY LIMITED (Registrar ID: 3234) | 31,960 |
40 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Porkbun LLC (Registrar ID: 1861) | 31,056 |
41 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Ligne Web Services SARL dba LWS (Registrar ID: 1630) | 30,394 |
42 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Enartia Single Member S.A. (Registrar ID: 1727) | 27,138 |
43 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Spaceship, Inc. (Registrar ID: 3862) | 26,436 |
44 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as MAT BAO CORPORATION (Registrar ID: 1586) | 25,530 |
45 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Dominet (HK) Limited (Registrar ID: 3775) | 19,521 |
46 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as One.com A/S (Registrar ID: 1462) | 18,638 |
47 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as P.A. Viet Nam Company Limited (Registrar ID: 1649) | 16,662 |
48 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Register.com, Inc. (Registrar ID: 9) | 14,401 |
49 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Xiamen ChinaSource Internet Service Co., Ltd (Registrar ID: 1366) | 13,296 |
50 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as CSL Computer Service Langenbach GmbH d/b/a joker.com (Registrar ID: 113) | 13,239 |
51 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Gandi SAS (Registrar ID: 81) | 13,103 |
52 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as InterNetX GmbH (Registrar ID: 151) | 13,076 |
53 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Name SRS AB (Registrar ID: 638) | 12,882 |
54 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as GoDaddy Online Services Cayman Islands Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1659) | 12,859 |
55 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Gname.com Pte. Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1923) | 12,804 |
56 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Xin Net Technology Corporation (Registrar ID: 120) | 12,789 |
57 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Gransy, s.r.o. (Registrar ID: 1505) | 11,505 |
58 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Domain Science Kutatási Szolgáltató Korlátolt Felelősségű Társaság (Registrar ID: 3882) | 11,441 |
59 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as 1API GmbH (Registrar ID: 1387) | 11,196 |
60 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as West263 International Limited (Registrar ID: 1915) | 10,881 |
61 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as July Name Limited (Registrar ID: 3855) | 10,457 |
62 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Instra Corporation Pty Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1376) | 10,450 |
63 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as WEDOS Internet, a.s. (Registrar ID: 3860) | 9,866 |
64 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Nics Telekomunikasyon A.S. (Registrar ID: 1454) | 9,714 |
65 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as 10dencehispahard, S.L. (Registrar ID: 1403) | 8,233 |
66 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Above.com Pty Ltd. (Registrar ID: 940) | 7,960 |
67 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Eranet International Limited (Registrar ID: 1868) | 7,940 |
68 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Web Commerce Communications Limited dba WebNic.cc (Registrar ID: 460) | 7,672 |
69 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as TLD Registrar Solutions Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1564) | 7,352 |
70 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Soluciones Corporativas IP, SL (Registrar ID: 1383) | 6,876 |
71 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Wild West Domains, LLC (Registrar ID: 440) | 6,712 |
72 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as INWX GmbH (Registrar ID: 1420) | 6,228 |
73 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as EuroDNS S.A. (Registrar ID: 1052) | 5,898 |
74 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Ledl.net GmbH (Registrar ID: 809) | 5,607 |
75 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as CSC Corporate Domains, Inc. (Registrar ID: 299) | 5,467 |
76 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Netowl, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1557) | 5,407 |
77 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Zhengzhou Century Connect Electronic Technology Development Co., Ltd (Registrar ID: 2805) | 5,399 |
78 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Domeneshop AS dba domainnameshop.com (Registrar ID: 1001) | 5,328 |
79 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Squarespace Domains LLC (Registrar ID: 3827) | 5,275 |
80 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Diamatrix C.C. (Registrar ID: 1645) | 5,170 |
81 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Bizcn.com, Inc. (Registrar ID: 471) | 4,988 |
82 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Chengdu Fly-Digital Technology Co., Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1605) | 4,816 |
83 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Cloudflare, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1910) | 4,513 |
84 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as MarkMonitor Inc. (Registrar ID: 292) | 4,483 |
85 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as 22net, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1555) | 4,374 |
86 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as İsimtescil Bilişim A.Ş. (Registrar ID: 3826) | 4,038 |
87 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as URL Solutions, Inc. (Registrar ID: 1449) | 3,872 |
88 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Atak Domain Bilgi Teknolojileri A.Ş. (Registrar ID: 1601) | 3,543 |
89 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Nhan Hoa Software Company Ltd. (Registrar ID: 1710) | 3,467 |
90 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Sav.com, LLC - 2 (Registrar ID: 3892) | 2,933 |
91 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Reliable Software (Registrar ID: 3246) | 2,743 |
92 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Sav.com, LLC - 9 (Registrar ID: 3899) | 2,671 |
93 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Nom-iq Ltd. dba COM LAUDE (Registrar ID: 470) | 2,623 |
94 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as DDD TECHNOLOGY PTE. LTD. (Registrar ID: 3247) | 2,395 |
95 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Infomaniak Network SA (Registrar ID: 3240) | 2,391 |
96 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Sav.com, LLC - 8 (Registrar ID: 3898) | 2,378 |
97 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Sav.com, LLC - 4 (Registrar ID: 3894) | 2,358 |
98 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as NICENIC INTERNATIONAL GROUP CO., LIMITED (Registrar ID: 3765) | 2,312 |
99 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as Megazone Corp., dba HOSTING.KR (Registrar ID: 1489) | 2,234 |
100 | Total records in .STORE Historical Database with domain registrar as 101domain GRS Limited (Registrar ID: 1011) | 2,165 |
Query Year | WHOIS Records |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2016 | 90,464 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2017 | 147,574 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2018 | 136,890 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2019 | 2,275 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2020 | 167,553 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2021 | 565,225 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2022 | 846,849 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2023 | 4,059,002 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2024 | 6,475,958 |
Total WHOIS records in .STORE Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2025 | 786,562 |
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