Country WHOIS Database

Containing WHOIS records of all domain names sorted by the country of ownership.

BigDomainData is made up of two primary WHOIS databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of active domain names (over 265 Million), that are currently registered. While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history (over 1.65 Billion records) of every domain name (over 561 Million) that were ever registered on the Internet. Historical database contains WHOIS of current as well as expired and deleted domain names.

Detailed statistics (Updated: 27 July 2024) of all our Country WHOIS Database are listed below.

Country WHOIS Database Domain Names WHOIS Records Cost Price Purchase
1 United States Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: US) 64,024,715 64,024,715 $1500


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2 United States Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: US) 244,577,592 555,478,781 $6500


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3 China Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: CN) 15,351,283 15,351,283 $1000


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4 China Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: CN) 82,897,700 175,169,598 $2500


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5 Canada Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: CA) 4,016,588 4,016,588 $750


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6 Canada Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: CA) 39,787,592 81,022,649 $1750


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7 Iceland Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: IS) 15,686,087 15,686,087 $1000


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8 Iceland Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: IS) 27,581,033 66,141,763 $1500


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9 Japan Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: JP) 6,484,527 6,484,527 $750


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10 Japan Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: JP) 20,334,847 43,225,506 $1250


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11 United Kingdom Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: GB) 5,049,118 5,049,118 $750


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12 United Kingdom Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: GB) 24,564,906 44,793,137 $1250


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13 Germany Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: DE) 5,495,935 5,495,935 $750


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14 Germany Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: DE) 12,459,009 32,598,354 $1250


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15 France Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: FR) 4,019,190 4,019,190 $750


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16 France Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: FR) 9,761,654 22,363,755 $1000


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17 Netherlands Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: NL) 2,882,483 2,882,483 $750


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18 Netherlands Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: NL) 7,032,817 16,731,063 $1000


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19 Italy Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: IT) 2,191,749 2,191,749 $750


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20 Italy Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: IT) 5,339,189 13,147,178 $1000


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21 India Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: IN) 1,701,825 1,701,825 $750


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22 India Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: IN) 10,227,064 18,267,163 $1000


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23 Brazil Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: BR) 1,579,036 1,579,036 $750


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24 Brazil Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: BR) 5,253,198 10,416,263 $1000


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25 Spain Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: ES) 2,143,914 2,143,914 $750


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26 Spain Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: ES) 6,122,272 13,638,010 $1000


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27 Russia Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: RU) 1,062,646 1,062,646 $750


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28 Russia Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: RU) 4,827,100 9,838,864 $750


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29 Turkey Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: TR) 970,064 970,064 $500


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30 Turkey Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: TR) 6,369,321 12,045,324 $1000


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31 Australia Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: AU) 1,411,352 1,411,352 $750


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32 Australia Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: AU) 8,342,201 14,888,606 $1000


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33 Korea Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: KR) 1,140,732 1,140,732 $750


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34 Korea Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: KR) 3,025,289 6,489,844 $750


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35 Malaysia Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: MY) 669,127 669,127 $500


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36 Malaysia Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: MY) 3,078,839 5,582,479 $750


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37 Switzerland Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: CH) 829,245 829,245 $500


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38 Switzerland Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: CH) 2,406,310 5,109,953 $750


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39 Vietnam Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: VN) 667,862 667,862 $500


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40 Vietnam Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: VN) 3,041,065 6,213,986 $750


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41 Indonesia Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: ID) 502,913 502,913 $500


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42 Indonesia Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: ID) 3,434,107 6,754,824 $750


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43 Panama Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: PA) 388,625 388,625 $500


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44 Panama Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: PA) 21,244,926 28,945,896 $1250


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45 Sweden Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: SE) 594,582 594,582 $500


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46 Sweden Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: SE) 1,535,425 3,206,149 $750


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47 Poland Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: PL) 517,984 517,984 $500


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48 Poland Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: PL) 1,528,151 3,441,701 $750


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49 Ukraine Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: UA) 448,337 448,337 $500


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50 Ukraine Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: UA) 1,716,155 3,482,259 $750


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51 Cayman Islands Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: KY) 27,477 27,477 $250


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52 Cayman Islands Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: KY) 3,415,224 4,851,400 $750


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53 Singapore Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: SG) 293,973 293,973 $500


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54 Singapore Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: SG) 3,465,882 4,944,662 $750


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55 Hong Kong Current WHOIS Database (Country Code: HK) 520,223 520,223 $500


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56 Hong Kong Historical WHOIS Database (Country Code: HK) 3,403,833 5,345,986 $750


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Reverse WHOIS Lookup

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