The Largest WHOIS Database in the World
We update WHOIS data of over 5 million domain names every day! BigDomainData is made up of 2 primary databases (Current WHOIS Database and Historical WHOIS Database). Our Current WHOIS Database contains the latest WHOIS record of only active domain names (over 269 Million). While the Historical WHOIS Database contains WHOIS history of every domain name (over 592 Million) that was ever registered on the Internet. Both these databases can be queried through our Powerful API.API Pricing and Packages
Can be used for Current WHOIS API, Bulk WHOIS API, WHOIS History API, Reverse WHOIS API and Fuzzy Domains API.
Package | Quantity | Price | Rate ⇩ | Order |
5,000 API Credits | 5,000 | $25 | $5.00 | Buy Now |
25,000 API Credits | 25,000 | $100 | $4.00 | Buy Now |
250,000 API Credits | 250,000 | $750 | $3.00 | Buy Now |
1 Million API Credits Most Popular | 1,000,000 | $2,000 | $2.00 | Buy Now |
10 Million API Credits | 10,000,000 | $10,000 | $1.00 | Buy Now |
Current WHOIS Database | Domain Names | Cost Price |
Total Unique Domain Names in our Current WHOIS Database | 269,013,055 |
$4500Order Now More Info$4500 Buy Now More Info |
Total WHOIS records in our Current WHOIS Database | 269,013,055 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact | 160,481,418 | |
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) | 147,931,287 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) | 119,381,948 |
Historical WHOIS Database | Total Count | Cost Price |
Total Unique Domain Names in our Historical WHOIS Database | 592,799,314 |
$8500Order Now More Info$8500 Buy Now More Info |
Total WHOIS records in our Historical WHOIS Database | 2,001,575,115 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact | 1,586,979,016 | |
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) | 1,412,474,799 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) | 1,278,916,287 |
Top 5 Country WHOIS Database | Domain Names | WHOIS Records | Cost Price | Purchase | |
1 | United States WHOIS Database (Country Code: US) | 256,591,742 | 645,242,112 | $7000 |
$7000 Buy Now |
2 | China WHOIS Database (Country Code: CN) | 84,878,146 | 198,402,121 | $2500 |
$2500 Buy Now |
3 | Canada WHOIS Database (Country Code: CA) | 40,956,237 | 87,297,947 | $1750 |
$1750 Buy Now |
4 | Iceland WHOIS Database (Country Code: IS) | 33,150,425 | 89,819,434 | $1750 |
$1750 Buy Now |
5 | Japan WHOIS Database (Country Code: JP) | 21,543,776 | 50,753,606 | $1500 |
$1500 Buy Now |
Top 5 Registrar WHOIS Database | Domain Names | WHOIS Records | Cost Price | Purchase | |
1 | GoDaddy WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 146) | 159,800,626 | 470,067,396 | $5500 |
$5500 Buy Now |
2 | Tucows WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 69) | 31,563,055 | 95,479,331 | $1750 |
$1750 Buy Now |
3 | NameCheap WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 1068) | 45,617,920 | 131,701,305 | $2000 |
$2000 Buy Now |
4 | Google WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 895) | 17,839,660 | 52,272,662 | $1500 |
$1500 Buy Now |
5 | Onamae WHOIS Database (Registrar ID: 49) | 19,636,020 | 47,536,170 | $1250 |
$1250 Buy Now |
Top 5 Domain TLD WHOIS Database | Domain Names | WHOIS Records | Cost Price | Purchase | |
1 | .COM WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: com) | 343,714,210 | 1,291,897,475 | $7500 |
$7500 Buy Now |
2 | .NET WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: net) | 32,265,942 | 108,857,699 | $2000 |
$2000 Buy Now |
3 | .ORG WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: org) | 21,683,781 | 71,804,202 | $1500 |
$1500 Buy Now |
4 | .INFO WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: info) | 15,238,122 | 43,151,019 | $1250 |
$1250 Buy Now |
5 | .XYZ WHOIS Database (Domain TLD: xyz) | 19,168,887 | 51,776,362 | $1500 |
$1500 Buy Now |
Reverse WHOIS Lookup
You may test our powerful Reverse WHOIS API using the below form.