Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database
Download the WHOIS database of all 11.5 Million domain names that were ever registered through for just $1000.
Detailed statistics (Updated: 7 February 2025) of our Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database is listed below.
Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database | Total | Purchase |
Total Unique Domain Names in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database | 11,519,223 |
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Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database | 20,565,750 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Registrant Contact | 19,711,912 | |
Total WHOIS records with an Email Address (where the registrant_email field is not empty) | 16,705,621 | |
Total WHOIS records with a Phone Number (where the registrant_phone field is not empty) | 15,802,390 |
Top 95 Countries in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as China (Country Code: CN) | 19,215,839 |
2 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Hong Kong (Country Code: HK) | 15,626 |
3 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Chile (Country Code: CL) | 12,124 |
4 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Central African Republic (Country Code: CF) | 11,299 |
5 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Spain (Country Code: ES) | 6,564 |
6 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Germany (Country Code: DE) | 6,453 |
7 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as United States (Country Code: US) | 6,107 |
8 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as India (Country Code: IN) | 5,815 |
9 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Christmas Island (Country Code: CX) | 4,618 |
10 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Taiwan (Country Code: TW) | 4,617 |
11 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Japan (Country Code: JP) | 3,564 |
12 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Lebanon (Country Code: LB) | 2,631 |
13 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as France (Country Code: FR) | 2,354 |
14 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Kenya (Country Code: KE) | 1,858 |
15 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Canada (Country Code: CA) | 1,855 |
16 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Italy (Country Code: IT) | 1,800 |
17 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Estonia (Country Code: EE) | 1,122 |
18 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Korea (Country Code: KR) | 1,074 |
19 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bosnia and Herzegovina (Country Code: BA) | 894 |
20 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as United Kingdom (Country Code: GB) | 872 |
21 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Morocco (Country Code: MA) | 866 |
22 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Czech Republic (Country Code: CZ) | 858 |
23 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Seychelles (Country Code: SC) | 827 |
24 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Armenia (Country Code: AM) | 812 |
25 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Afghanistan (Country Code: AF) | 696 |
26 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as United Arab Emirates (Country Code: AE) | 694 |
27 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Argentina (Country Code: AR) | 652 |
28 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Antarctica (Country Code: AQ) | 579 |
29 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Russian Federation (Country Code: RU) | 538 |
30 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Honduras (Country Code: HN) | 506 |
31 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Croatia (Country Code: HR) | 446 |
32 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Greece (Country Code: GR) | 439 |
33 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bulgaria (Country Code: BG) | 438 |
34 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Netherlands (Country Code: NL) | 414 |
35 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Benin (Country Code: BJ) | 398 |
36 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Cameroon (Country Code: CM) | 275 |
37 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Ukraine (Country Code: UA) | 260 |
38 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Austria (Country Code: AT) | 242 |
39 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Brazil (Country Code: BR) | 215 |
40 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Angola (Country Code: AO) | 206 |
41 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Fiji (Country Code: FJ) | 205 |
42 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Portugal (Country Code: PT) | 205 |
43 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Australia (Country Code: AU) | 195 |
44 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Singapore (Country Code: SG) | 190 |
45 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Burkina Faso (Country Code: BF) | 189 |
46 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Congo, Democratic Republic (Country Code: CD) | 177 |
47 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Turkey (Country Code: TR) | 166 |
48 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Hungary (Country Code: HU) | 163 |
49 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as South Africa (Country Code: ZA) | 157 |
50 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Mexico (Country Code: MX) | 154 |
51 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Finland (Country Code: FI) | 152 |
52 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Georgia (Country Code: GE) | 152 |
53 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Macau (Country Code: MO) | 145 |
54 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Albania (Country Code: AL) | 128 |
55 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Grenada (Country Code: GD) | 118 |
56 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Sudan (Country Code: SD) | 111 |
57 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Vietnam (Country Code: VN) | 97 |
58 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Antigua and Barbuda (Country Code: AG) | 82 |
59 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Malaysia (Country Code: MY) | 78 |
60 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Philippines (Country Code: PH) | 73 |
61 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Romania (Country Code: RO) | 70 |
62 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bahamas (Country Code: BS) | 67 |
63 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Cayman Islands (Country Code: KY) | 64 |
64 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Switzerland (Country Code: CH) | 58 |
65 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Indonesia (Country Code: ID) | 56 |
66 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Andorra (Country Code: AD) | 54 |
67 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as American Samoa (Country Code: AS) | 54 |
68 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Algeria (Country Code: DZ) | 53 |
69 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Anguilla (Country Code: AI) | 52 |
70 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Thailand (Country Code: TH) | 50 |
71 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Norway (Country Code: NO) | 44 |
72 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Nigeria (Country Code: NG) | 37 |
73 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Poland (Country Code: PL) | 36 |
74 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Iceland (Country Code: IS) | 34 |
75 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Netherlands Antilles (Country Code: AN) | 29 |
76 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Ireland (Country Code: IE) | 29 |
77 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bolivia (Country Code: BO) | 28 |
78 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bermuda (Country Code: BM) | 24 |
79 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as New Zealand (Country Code: NZ) | 24 |
80 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as US Virgin Islands (Country Code: VI) | 24 |
81 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Montserrat (Country Code: MS) | 23 |
82 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Panama (Country Code: PA) | 23 |
83 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Tokelau (Country Code: TK) | 23 |
84 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Burundi (Country Code: BI) | 22 |
85 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Kiribati (Country Code: KI) | 22 |
86 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Brunei Darussalam (Country Code: BN) | 21 |
87 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Ghana (Country Code: GH) | 21 |
88 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Jamaica (Country Code: JM) | 20 |
89 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Sierra Leone (Country Code: SL) | 20 |
90 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Samoa (Country Code: WS) | 20 |
91 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Yemen (Country Code: YE) | 20 |
92 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Eritrea (Country Code: ER) | 19 |
93 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Bhutan (Country Code: BT) | 18 |
94 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Cyprus (Country Code: CY) | 18 |
95 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database having registrant country as Iran (Country Code: IR) | 18 |
Top 100 Domain Extensions in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database | Total | |
1 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .COM domain names (Domain TLD: com) | 6,186,817 |
2 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XYZ domain names (Domain TLD: xyz) | 2,844,543 |
3 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .TOP domain names (Domain TLD: top) | 2,727,390 |
4 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ICU domain names (Domain TLD: icu) | 1,075,014 |
5 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SITE domain names (Domain TLD: site) | 997,774 |
6 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WIN domain names (Domain TLD: win) | 924,012 |
7 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .NET domain names (Domain TLD: net) | 540,471 |
8 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CLUB domain names (Domain TLD: club) | 460,327 |
9 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CYOU domain names (Domain TLD: cyou) | 460,161 |
10 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WANG domain names (Domain TLD: wang) | 382,297 |
11 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .BID domain names (Domain TLD: bid) | 301,472 |
12 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .REN domain names (Domain TLD: ren) | 269,462 |
13 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MEN domain names (Domain TLD: men) | 266,447 |
14 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .TECH domain names (Domain TLD: tech) | 228,529 |
15 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .STORE domain names (Domain TLD: store) | 222,423 |
16 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ORG domain names (Domain TLD: org) | 220,925 |
17 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ONLINE domain names (Domain TLD: online) | 212,178 |
18 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .BIZ domain names (Domain TLD: biz) | 156,993 |
19 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .VIP domain names (Domain TLD: vip) | 140,544 |
20 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LOAN domain names (Domain TLD: loan) | 137,058 |
21 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .INK domain names (Domain TLD: ink) | 112,203 |
22 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FUN domain names (Domain TLD: fun) | 111,254 |
23 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LOL domain names (Domain TLD: lol) | 102,033 |
24 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .DATE domain names (Domain TLD: date) | 87,841 |
25 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WEBSITE domain names (Domain TLD: website) | 81,256 |
26 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LTD domain names (Domain TLD: ltd) | 78,053 |
27 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CC domain names (Domain TLD: cc) | 67,496 |
28 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XN--3DS443G domain names (Domain TLD: xn--3ds443g) | 64,590 |
29 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WORK domain names (Domain TLD: work) | 62,829 |
30 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SHOP domain names (Domain TLD: shop) | 58,180 |
31 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .GROUP domain names (Domain TLD: group) | 53,886 |
32 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SPACE domain names (Domain TLD: space) | 46,994 |
33 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .INFO domain names (Domain TLD: info) | 40,913 |
34 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CLOUD domain names (Domain TLD: cloud) | 36,606 |
35 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LOVE domain names (Domain TLD: love) | 29,517 |
36 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WORLD domain names (Domain TLD: world) | 26,677 |
37 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LIFE domain names (Domain TLD: life) | 24,816 |
38 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PW domain names (Domain TLD: pw) | 24,676 |
39 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PLUS domain names (Domain TLD: plus) | 24,226 |
40 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .RUN domain names (Domain TLD: run) | 24,087 |
41 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PUB domain names (Domain TLD: pub) | 23,018 |
42 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XN--RHQV96G domain names (Domain TLD: xn--rhqv96g) | 22,409 |
43 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .GIFT domain names (Domain TLD: gift) | 21,573 |
44 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LIVE domain names (Domain TLD: live) | 20,706 |
45 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MOM domain names (Domain TLD: mom) | 20,306 |
46 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ASIA domain names (Domain TLD: asia) | 19,620 |
47 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CO domain names (Domain TLD: co) | 19,451 |
48 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .GOLD domain names (Domain TLD: gold) | 19,029 |
49 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .WIKI domain names (Domain TLD: wiki) | 18,212 |
50 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .HELP domain names (Domain TLD: help) | 17,693 |
51 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FAITH domain names (Domain TLD: faith) | 15,693 |
52 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SALE domain names (Domain TLD: sale) | 14,609 |
53 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FUND domain names (Domain TLD: fund) | 13,728 |
54 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FIT domain names (Domain TLD: fit) | 13,571 |
55 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PRO domain names (Domain TLD: pro) | 12,036 |
56 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .LINK domain names (Domain TLD: link) | 11,845 |
57 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .TRADE domain names (Domain TLD: trade) | 11,143 |
58 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SHOW domain names (Domain TLD: show) | 10,709 |
59 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CHAT domain names (Domain TLD: chat) | 10,531 |
60 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MOBI domain names (Domain TLD: mobi) | 10,272 |
61 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CITY domain names (Domain TLD: city) | 10,071 |
62 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ME domain names (Domain TLD: me) | 9,942 |
63 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .RED domain names (Domain TLD: red) | 9,707 |
64 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .DOWNLOAD domain names (Domain TLD: download) | 9,671 |
65 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ZONE domain names (Domain TLD: zone) | 9,656 |
66 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .REVIEW domain names (Domain TLD: review) | 9,557 |
67 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PARTY domain names (Domain TLD: party) | 9,467 |
68 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .OOO domain names (Domain TLD: ooo) | 9,417 |
69 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ART domain names (Domain TLD: art) | 9,291 |
70 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .RACING domain names (Domain TLD: racing) | 9,139 |
71 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .COLLEGE domain names (Domain TLD: college) | 9,122 |
72 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .COOL domain names (Domain TLD: cool) | 8,912 |
73 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .TEAM domain names (Domain TLD: team) | 8,138 |
74 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MEDIA domain names (Domain TLD: media) | 7,920 |
75 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XN--6QQ986B3XL domain names (Domain TLD: xn--6qq986b3xl) | 7,485 |
76 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .VIN domain names (Domain TLD: vin) | 6,804 |
77 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .ACCOUNTANT domain names (Domain TLD: accountant) | 6,770 |
78 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .COMPANY domain names (Domain TLD: company) | 6,762 |
79 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .HOST domain names (Domain TLD: host) | 6,000 |
80 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FAN domain names (Domain TLD: fan) | 5,685 |
81 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SEXY domain names (Domain TLD: sexy) | 5,571 |
82 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MARKET domain names (Domain TLD: market) | 5,562 |
83 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XIN domain names (Domain TLD: xin) | 5,410 |
84 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CENTER domain names (Domain TLD: center) | 5,386 |
85 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .FYI domain names (Domain TLD: fyi) | 5,237 |
86 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .BABY domain names (Domain TLD: baby) | 5,138 |
87 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XN--55QX5D domain names (Domain TLD: xn--55qx5d) | 4,887 |
88 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .TODAY domain names (Domain TLD: today) | 4,768 |
89 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .GURU domain names (Domain TLD: guru) | 4,606 |
90 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .GAMES domain names (Domain TLD: games) | 4,407 |
91 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .KIM domain names (Domain TLD: kim) | 4,373 |
92 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .XN--IO0A7I domain names (Domain TLD: xn--io0a7i) | 4,354 |
93 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .PINK domain names (Domain TLD: pink) | 4,311 |
94 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .EMAIL domain names (Domain TLD: email) | 4,121 |
95 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .SCIENCE domain names (Domain TLD: science) | 3,896 |
96 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .NEWS domain names (Domain TLD: news) | 3,892 |
97 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .BLUE domain names (Domain TLD: blue) | 3,664 |
98 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .MBA domain names (Domain TLD: mba) | 3,157 |
99 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .VIDEO domain names (Domain TLD: video) | 3,134 |
100 | Total records in Chengdu West Historical Database for .CRICKET domain names (Domain TLD: cricket) | 2,988 |
Query Year | WHOIS Records |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2014 | 169,326 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2015 | 2,185,428 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2016 | 3,622,575 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2017 | 1,985,240 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2018 | 1,316,492 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2019 | 1,225,412 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2020 | 541,084 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2021 | 468,173 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2022 | 1,164,662 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2023 | 3,071,576 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2024 | 4,431,273 |
Total WHOIS records in Chengdu West Historical WHOIS Database that were fetched in the year 2025 | 384,509 |
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